We always do our best to justify your confidence.
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Welcome to the website of the Central Customs Hospital!
Bu gün xəstəxanamızda tətbiq olunan yüksək tibbi texnologiyalar insan həyatını xilas etməyə və sağlamlığını qorumağa tam şəkildə imkan verir.
Hospitalımız dünya şöhrətli istehsalçıların müasir tibbi avadanlıqları ilə təmin olunub. Lakin, ən böyük dəyərimiz burada çalışan, öz sahələrinin yüksək səviyyəli peşəkarları olan tanınmış mütəxəssislərimizdir.
Fəaliyyət göstərdiyimiz sahədə liderliyi saxlamaq şərəfli və eyni zamanda böyük zəhmət tələb edən bir vəzifədir. Bunun üçün biz, təkcə əldə etdiyimiz nailiyyətlərimizlə kifayətlənmirik, öz imkanlarımızı davamlı olaraq genişləndiririk.
Etibarınızı daim doğrultmağa çalışırıq!
The hospital has been providing the population with high-quality multidisciplinary medical services for more than 15 years. The modern technologies used today in our Hospital allow us to successfully save lives and protect the health of our patients
The hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment from well-known world manufacturers. But our greatest value is high-class medical professionals who work in the Hospital and are top level Specialists.
Leading in the field of healthcare is an honorable and responsible mission. To maintain this leadership in the medical field, we are not satisfied only with our achievements, we are continuously expanding our capabilities.
We appreciate Your trust and always justify it
Outpatient clinic
You can sign up for outpatient appointments with professional doctors working in the hospital - Therapist, Pediatrician, ObGyn, General Surgeon, Ophthalmologist, Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Traumatologist (orthopedic surgeon), ENT, Dentist and etc.
Inpatient clinic
Comfortable Standard and VIP wards are ready for the convenience and effective treatment of patients in the hospital. For relatives’ full conditions have been created, as well.
Dear patients! Your opinion about our Hospital, Doctors, all medical and non-medical personnel, conditions and service level is very important for us. Could You please give us feedback to Hospital email trough special electronic form. Reviewing us, please include Your contact information and our Patient support staff will able to contact You if necessary.
You can review us using your Facebook account and entering the “REVIEWS” page of our website.
Your opinion is very important to us! Your feedback helps us provide better service and improve our work
Hospital Management reserves the right to publish selected reviews on our website.
High-qualified Doctors of the Central Customs Hospital are always ready to save your life and health.
Schedule Your appointment with a doctor
You can make an appointment with professional doctors of all specialties working in our hospital by filling out the form below or by calling our landline phone (012)-404-08-08
On this page, you can find feedback from our grateful patients who felt it necessary to share their positive experience regarding the service at the Central Customs Hospital.
I can say with a clear conscience that the high level of medical care provided to people here, the professionalism of educated doctors who have mastered the most modern medical knowledge, the benevolent attitude and attention to patients rightfully led to the formation of a positive public opinion and a high attitude of society towards the Central Customs Hospital. The conditions created here do not lag behind the most advanced clinics in Europe.
Sakhiba Gafarova
For the first time I witnessed a high level of attention and care for patients at the Central Customs Hospital. With great gratitude I say «Thank you» to educated, experienced doctors and kind nurses who surrounded me.
Maharram Asadov
I have been treated and examined in some foreign countries, including such high-level medical services countries as Germany, Israel and Russia. The Laboratory investigation carried out at the Laboratory department of the Customs Hospital is comparable with laboratories of these countries. I express my gratitude to all the employees and management of this department
Hagverdi Allahveranov